Resulting in the mastery of financial planning concepts, specifically budgeting, credit utilization, investing, asset protection, and wealth accumulation.
Helping individuals understand their rights, especially in the most difficult and trying circumstances. Providing workshops assistance as they are confronted with various obstacles and complex legal challenges.
Developing an appreciation for all disciplines of creativity including music, visual arts and drama to enhance the lives and ignite the creativity of both youth and seniors. Encouraging them to take pleasure in the arts and in being part of an ongoing humanistic tradition of reading, writing, and thinking. Art appreciation workshops and programs help students succeed in whatever endeavor they pursue with contributions to make students better citizens.
Ensure the community has access to high-quality learning opportunities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. STEM differs from traditional science and math education by using a blended learning environment and showing students how this scienctific method can be applied to everyday life. The methods will be implemented through incubators, accelerators and specialized programming.
Mental Health Education and Wellness programs for all ages and channeling numerous resources and services into the community. The programs and activities are designed to enrich and enhance family life, community life and individual development in a safe and positive environment. By providing these and other services, lives will be strengthened and a sense of unity will be built among neighborhood residents.